Sunday, August 9, 2009

using art to promote business traffic

Art promotes the intention of being a doer and putting substained thought into an idea. It tells the observer (or customer) "I can maintain attention and follow through on something." Whatever a person or company is using to promote their business or event is an extention of themselves and what is going on. There is also the fact that a lot of people are drawn to humor. Humor is a connection that is universal to all humanbeings. The promotional traffic idea comes in to when a person is going to make a choice between the many different services which offer the same thing. Which company is going to light the path for this person or these people who are making a decision?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lots of places have what he needs.
With the help of Davids Log Designs, I can help you direct this guy and others to the right place.;

Friday, March 27, 2009

money and imagination

It's simple. I spent the past 13 years doing something I love and have almost an insane passion for investing in. I painted and branched out to teach myself other ways of creating illustrations for the love of it and what it did for me.
Then by chance meeting with a person who has been into network marketing, I met up with other people and then other people who had some different ideas about money and talked about abundance. Throuigh associating with these people over time, I had started to rediscover my love for going out there and speaking to gallery owners and getting exhibits set up. It has been in my blood for years, but I never understood why. I didn't know what to think about making money and through years of family messages, I was thoroughly confused about the concept of prosperity.
Now, I don't claim to be the greatest artist by any means, but there is something to the way I put my message out there, espeacially when I am getting out of the way and letting it flow.

People have been telling me for years that I am putting out something impressive and that the world needs more beauty. What better way to make sure the beauty is out there than to duplicate it by putting the illustrations on merchandise. I'm doing the illustrations anyway.
And by making a business out of it, the different opportunities force me to temper my craft.

Who's to say this isn't the way to go?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

art on t-shirts

When enough people are saying "I like the way you draw" it is probably a good sign that people actually like the drawings. I'm taking people's compliments seriosly and doing something which occured to me in a conversation with a co-worker. We were just messing around and saying funnythings and I said "Hey, that ought to be on a t-shirt. Well, with the fact that I have been painstakingly working on my illustrations and painting for the past 23 years, the idea to transfer them to t-shirts was just automatic. The thought occured and the next thing I know, I'm making a call to a t-shirt printing company..

Monday, September 1, 2008

The making of "Goss Troy and the Beast"

I wrote and illustrated a book called "Gross Troy and the Beast." It consist of a story about a young buy who is in a manner of accident, befreinded by a beast I had invented. I started to do these illustrations while sitting up late at night while working at a group home. Well, the thought occured to explain the illustrations with a page of text, and it would have to be funny. And so..

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Human Being

  1. I can use words to change my circumstances.
  2. I can write myself into a different mood.
  3. I can redirect my thinking with one simple action.
  4. I can write about how important this is.
  5. I can purposely and concsiously spend time on writing about how important this is.
  6. I can influence others in subtle ways throught writing and speaking.
  7. I can speak with the purpose of influencing.
  8. I can turn the other cheek.
  9. I can talk and write about what this actually means and I can argue about what I think the meaning is.
  10. I can write a list of what sets human beings apart from the rest of the animals.